Rosa spp.
Pathogen |
Symbol |
Format |
Apple mosaic virus | ApMV | ELISA |
Arabis mosaic virus | ArMV | ELISA |
Impatiens necrotic spot virus | INSV | ELISA |
Prunus necrotic ringspot virus | PNRSV | ELISA |
Ralstonia solanacearum | Rs | ELISA |
Raspberry ringspot virus - cherry strain | RpRSV-ch | ELISA |
Rhizoctonia solani | Rhiz | ELISA |
Rose rosette virus | RRV | Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP) |
Strawberry latent ringspot virus | SLRSV | ELISA |
Tobacco mosaic virus | TMV | ELISA |
Tobacco ringspot virus | TRSV | ELISA |
Tobacco streak virus | TSV | ELISA |
Tomato ringspot virus | ToRSV | ELISA |
Tomato spotted wilt virus | TSWV | ELISA |
The above listed tests are recommendations based on published findings, common requirements for international trade, and positivity trends observed in our laboratory over the decades. We encourage and actively work with our clients to customize their screens to best suit their needs.
Pathogen |
Symbol |
Format |
Begomovirus group test (Rose leaf curl virus) | Begomo | PCR |
Botrytis cinerea | Bcin | Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP) |
Bromoviridae group test (Blackberry chlorotic ringspot virus) | Bromo | PCR |
Carlavirus group test (Rose virus A, Rose virus B) | Carla | PCR |
Carmovirus-Pelarspovirus group test (Rosa rugosa leaf distortion virus) | Carmo | PCR |
Closteroviridae group test (Rose leaf rosette-associated virus) | Clostero | PCR |
Emaravirus group test (Rose rosette virus) | Emara | PCR |
Erwinia amylovora | Ea | ELISA, Lateral Flow (ImmunoStrip) |
Grapevine pinot gris virus | GPGV | Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP) |
Iris yellow spot virus | IYSV | ELISA |
Luteovirus-Polerovirus group test (Rose spring dwarf-associated virus) | Luteo | PCR |
Nepovirus group test | Nepo | PCR |
Phytoplasma | Phyto | PCR |
Plantago asiatica mosaic virus | PlAMV | ELISA |
Potexvirus-Allexivirus group test | Potex | PCR |
Potyviridae group test (Rose yellow mosaic virus) | Poty | PCR |
Tobamovirus group test | Tobamo | PCR |
Tospovirus group test (Tomato yellow ring virus) | Tospo | PCR |
Trichovirus group test (Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus) | Tricho | PCR |
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Life Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd. 306, Agarwal City Mall, opposite M2K Pitampura, Delhi-110034 (India) Tel # +91-11-4220-8000; 4220-8111; 4220-8222 Fax# +91-11-4220-8444, Mobile# +91-98105-21400 Email# |