Catalog No. | Name of the Product | Description |
514.100 | STaR Optima 1 | ChromoQuant STaR Optima is single tube test for analysis of aneuploidies in chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X/Y. |
514.201 | STaR Optima 2 | STaR Optima 2 is intended as Extra markers and should not be used as a stand alone test. The STaR Optima 1 in combination with STaR Optima 2 = SuperSTaR Optima. |
514.301 | SuperSTaR Optima | The SuperSTaR Optima kit holds 34 unique genetic markers in two tubes. This large number of markers means the ChromoQuant® Optima kit will analyse 99,9% of all samples with an informative result. |
514.604 | Optima XY | ChromoQuant® Optima XY is a single tube QF-PCR kit for analysing aneuploidy in chromosomes X and Y, including Klinefelter and Turner X0 syndroms. |
514.601 | Optima 13 | ChromoQuant® Optima 13 is a single tube QF-PCR kit for analysing trisomy in chromosome 13. The test is intended for verification of uninformative results with previous tests or for verification and diagnosis of positive indications from NIPT screening. |
514.602 | Optima 18 | ChromoQuant® Optima 18 is a single tube QF-PCR kit for analysing trisomy in chromosome 18. The test is intended for verification of uninformative results with previous tests or for verification and diagnosis of positive indications from NIPT screening. |
514.603 | Optima 21 | ChromoQuant® Optima 21 is a single tube QF-PCR kit for analysing trisomy in chromosome 21. The test is intended for verification of uninformative results with previous tests or for verification and diagnosis of positive indications from NIPT screening. |
Catalog No. | Name of the product | Description |
514.531 | Optima STaR PLUS | Optima STaR PLUS is a combination of ChromoQuant Optima STaR and Optima PLUS kits for analysis of reasons for miscarriage (Pregnancy Loss). This kit holds 22 + 15 genetic markers in two tubes. |
531.001 | Optima PLUS | ChromoQuant PLUS is a QF-PCR kit for analysing trisomies in chromosomes 15, 16 and 22. It is mainly used for analysing the reason for miscarriages. |
Catalog No. | Name of the Product | Description |
800.001 | ChromoQuant® PCR kit AZF | The ChromoQuant AZF PCR kit will analyze microdeletions in the Y chromosome; AZFa, AZFb, AZFc and terminal deletion. |
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Life Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd. 306, Agarwal City Mall, opposite M2K Pitampura, Delhi-110034 (India) Tel # +91-11-4220-8000; 4220-8111; 4220-8222 Fax# +91-11-4220-8444, Mobile# +91-98105-21400 Email# |