Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
MR1 Cells 305000 Hamster cell lines Animal cells
PC 61 5.3 Cells 305001 Rat cell lines | Mouse cell lines Animal cells Spleen
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
MDBK (NBL-1) Cells 600396 Bovine cell lines Bovine Kidney
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
A72 Cells 602398 Canine cell lines Canine Muscle Carcinoma
MDCK (NBL-2) Cells 602280 Canine cell lines Canine Kidney
MDCK-SIAT1 Cells 602281 Canine cell lines Canine Kidney
MDCK-II Cells 305233 Canine cell lines Canine Kidney
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
F81 Cells 305015 Animal cells | Cat cell lines Cat Kidney
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
COS-1 Cells 305005 Monkey cell lines Cercopithecus aethiops (Green monkey) Kidney
COS-7 Cells 605470 Monkey cell lines Cercopithecus aethiops (Green monkey) Kidney
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
LMH Cells 601411 Avian cell lines Chicken Liver Hepatocellular carcinoma
DF-1 Cells 305016 Avian cell lines Chicken Embryo
MDCC-MSB1 Cells 601413 Avian cell lines Chicken Marek disease
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
BSC1 Cells 305009 Monkey cell lines Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) Kidney
MA104 Cells 305007 Monkey cell lines Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) Kidney
MARC-145 Cells 305006 Monkey cell lines Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) Embryonic kidney
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
VERO Cells 605372 Monkey cell lines Chlorocebus sabaeus (Green monkey) Kidney
Vero E6 Cells 305008 Monkey cell lines Chlorocebus sabaeus (Green monkey) Normal Kidney
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
B95-8 Cells 601102 Monkey cell lines | Animal cells Cotton-top tamarin Blood
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
DH82 Cells 305003 Canine cell lines Dog Canine histiocytic sarcom
Super Tube Cells 305004 Canine cell lines Dog Normal Kidney
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
Sf9 Cells 604328 Insect cell lines Fall armyworm Ovary
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
BHK-21 clone 13 Cells 603126 Hamster cell lines Hamster Kidney
CHL Cells 305013 Hamster cell lines Hamster Lung
CHO Cells 603479 Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
CHO-K1 Cells 603480 Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
CTLA4 Ig-24 Cells 305014 Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
Lec1 Cells 305010 Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
LS-CLS Cells 605390 Hamster cell lines Hamster Hematopoietic Lymphosarcoma
R 1610 Cells 305011 Hamster cell lines Hamster Lung
V79 Cells 305012 Hamster cell lines Hamster Lung
V79-4 Cells 603371 Hamster cell lines Hamster Lung Fibroblast
CHO-B7H3 305417 Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
CHO-CCR8 305418 Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
CHO-CTLA4 305414 Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
CHO-CXCR4 Low 305411L Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
CHO-CXCR4 Medium-high 305411MH Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
CHO-CXCR7 Low 305412L Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
CHO-CXCR7 Medium-High 305412MH Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
CHO-FOLR1 305416 Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
CHO-HER2 High 305413H Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
CHO-HER2 Medium-high 305413MH Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
CHO-TACD2 305415 Hamster cell lines Hamster Ovary
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
143B Cells305232 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBone, right femurOsteosarcoma
22RV1 Cells305037Prostate cancer cell linesHumanProstateProstate carcinoma
5637 Cells300105Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanBladderCarcinoma
6T-CEM Cells305132 Leukemia cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodT-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
769-P Cells300106Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyRenal cell carcinoma
A172 Cells300108 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainGlioblastoma
A204 Cells300109Soft tissue cancer cell linesHumanMuscleRhabdomyosarcoma
A2058 Cells305046Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinAmelanotic melanoma
A3 Cells305143 Leukemia cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodChildhood T acute lymphoblastic leukemia
A375 Cells300110Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinMelanoma
A427 Cells300111Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungCarcinoma
A431 Cells300112Skin cancer cell linesHumanEpidermoidSquamous cell carcinoma
A498 Cells300113Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyRenal cell carcinoma
A549 Cells300114Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungCarcinoma
A549/DDP Cells305047Lung cancer cell linesHumanLung
A673 Cells300454 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneEwing's Sarcoma
A704 Cells300217Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyAdenocarcinoma
AAV-293 Cells305127Kidney cancer cell lines | Human cells | Transformed cell linesHumanEmbryonic kidney
ACHN Cells300117Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyAdenocarcinoma
AGS Cells300408Gastric cancer cell linesHumanGastricAdenocarcinoma
AN3 Ca Cells300119Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanUterus, EndometriumAdenocarcinoma
Anglne Cells305144Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanOvaryOvarian carcinoma
ARH-77 Cells300306B lymphoblast cell linesHumanBloodPlasma Cell Leukemia
AsPC-1 Cells300158Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasAdenocarcinoma
BALL-1 Cells305084 Leukemia cell linesHumanB LymphocyteB-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
B-CPAP Cells305081Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanThyroidThyroid carcinoma
BEAS-2B Cells300311Transformed cell linesHumanLung, Bronchus
BEWO Cells300123Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanPlacentaChoriocarcinoma
BHT101 Cells305112Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanThyroidAnaplastic thyroid carcinoma
BJAB Cells302006Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanBloodBurkitt lymphoma
BT-20 Cells300130 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreast, mammary glandInvasive ductal carcinoma
BT-474 Cells300131 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreast, mammary glandInvasive ductal carcinoma
BT-549 Cells300132 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreast, mammary glandInvasive ductal carcinoma
BV-173 Cells300133 Leukemia cell linesHumanBloodChronic myeloid leukemia
BxPC-3 Cells305031Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasPancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
C918 Cells305109Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanChoroidUveal melanoma
CA46 Cells305082Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanLymphoblastBurkitt lymphoma
Caco-2 Cells300137Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma
CADO-ES1 Cells300127 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneEwing's Sarcoma
Caki-1 Cells300149Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyClear cell carcinoma
Caki-2 Cells300140Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyPapillary carcinoma
CAL 27 Cells305029Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanTongueTongue squamous cell carcinoma
CAL-62 Cells305114Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanThyroidThyroid gland anaplastic carcinoma
Calu-1 Cells300141Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungCarcinoma
Calu-6 Cells300135Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungAdenocarcinoma
Capan-1 Cells300143Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasDuctal adenocarcinoma
Capan-2 Cells300144Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasAdenocarcinoma
CaSki Cells300145Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanCervixCarcinoma
CCD-1095Sk Cells300642Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinDuctal carcinoma
CCF-STTG1 Cells300388 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainAstrocytoma, grade IV
CCRF-CEM Cells300147 Leukemia cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodLeukemia
CESS Cells300262 Leukemia cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodAcute myeloid leukemia
CFPAC-1 Cells305066Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasCystic fibrosis, Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Colo-205 Cells300380Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon, Dukes' type DColorectal adenocarcinoma
Colo-320DM Cells300153Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon, Dukes' type CColorectal adenocarcinoma
Colo-680N Cells300464Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanEsophagusSquamous cell carcinoma
Colo-824 Cells300463 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreast, mammary glandSquamous cell carcinoma
COX Cells302138Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodBurkitt lymphoma
CX-1 Cells300159Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma
D283Med Cells300330 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainMedulloblastoma
DAN-G Cells300162Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasAdenocarcinoma
Daoy Cells305053 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, cerebellumMedulloblastoma
Daudi Cells302009Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanBloodBurkitt lymphoma
DB Cells305048 Lymphoma cell linesHumanAscitesDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Detroit-562 Cells300399Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanPharynxCarcinoma
DLD-1 Cells300220Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma
DU-145 Cells300168Prostate cancer cell linesHumanProstateCarcinoma
DU4475 Cells300371 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastBreast carcinoma
EB1 Cells300403Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanBloodBurkitt lymphoma
EB3 Cells300373Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanBoneBurkitt lymphoma
ECV-304 Cells300452Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanBladderCarcinoma
ES-2 Cells305038Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanOvaryOvarian clear cell adenocarcinoma
FaDu Cells305033Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanPharynxHypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Farage Cells305071 Lymphoma cell linesHumanLymphatic systemDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma germinal center B-cell type
G361 Cells302157Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinMelanoma
GCT Cells300155Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungUndifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma
GIMEN Cells300179Neuroblastoma cell linesHumanBrainNeuroblastoma
H9 Cells (derivative of HuT 78)300460 Lymphoma cell linesHumanBloodSezary syndrome (aggressive form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma)
HAL-01 Cells305140 Leukemia cell linesHumanB Cell Precursor Leukemia
HARA-B Cells300465Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung squamous cell carcinoma
HBL-100 Cells300178 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastCarcinoma
HCC1937 Cells305064 Breast cancer cell linesHumanMammary gland, breast, ductBreast ductal carcinoma
HCC366 Cells302155Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungNon-small cell lung cancer
HCC78 Cells302156Lung cancer cell linesHumanPleural effusionAdenocarcinoma
HCC827 Cells305041Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung adenocarcinoma
HCT116 Cells300195Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectalAdenocarcinoma
HCT-15 Cells300229Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectalAdenocarcinoma
HCT-8 Cells300210Intestine cancer cell linesHumanRectumAdenocarcinoma
HEK293 Cells300192Transformed cell linesHumanKidney
HEK293-F Cells300260Transformed cell linesHumanKidney
HEK293T Cells300189Kidney cancer cell lines | Transformed cell linesHumanKidney
HEL 92.1.7300462 Leukemia cell linesHumanBone marrowErythroleukemia
HEL Cells305022 Leukemia cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodErythroleukemia
HEL-299 Cells300193Lung cancer cell linesHumanLung
Hela 229 Cells305056Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanCervixHuman papillomavirus-related endocervical adenocarcinoma
HeLa Cells300194Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanCervixAdenocarcinoma
HeLa S3 Cells300384Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanCervixAdenocarcinoma
HEp-2 Cells300397Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanLarynxAdenocarcinoma
HEP3B Cells305141Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverChildhood hepatocellular carcinoma
HepG2 Cells300198Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
HET-1A Cells305270Transformed cell linesHumanEsophagus
HFL1 Cells305065 Human cellsHumanLung
HGC-27 Cells300436Gastric cancer cell linesHumanGastricGastric adenocarcinoma
HL-60 Cells300209 Leukemia cell linesHumanBloodAcute promyelocytic leukemia
HMY-1 Cells305145Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinMelanoma
HMy2 Cells302008B lymphoblast cell linesHumanHematopoieticPlasma cell leukemia
HMy2.CIR Cells305126B lymphoblast cell linesHumanB-Lymphoblast
HOS Cells300449 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
HRT-18300230Intestine cancer cell linesHumanRectumAdenocarcinoma
Hs 578T Cells305089 Breast cancer cell linesHumanMammary gland, breastInvasive breast carcinoma
HS-683 Cells300213 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainOligodendroglioma
HS-695T Cells300211Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinAmelanotic melanoma
HS-729 Cells300443 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneEmbryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
HT-1080 Cells300216Soft tissue cancer cell linesHumanFibrosarcoma
HT-1376 Cells305100Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanUrinary bladderBladder carcinoma
HT-29 Cells300215Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma
Human Foreskin Fibroblast Cells (HFFC)300715FibroblastsHumanForeskin
Human Gingival Fibroblasts (hGF)300703Oral cells | FibroblastsHumanGingiva
HuT-78 Cells300338 Leukemia cell linesHumanBloodMycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome
HUVEC, single donor300605HUVECHumanUmbilical vein
IGR-1 Cells300219Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinMalignant melanoma
IM-9 Cells302151B lymphoblast cell linesHumanBone marrow
IMR-32 Cells300148Neuroblastoma cell linesHumanBrainNeuroblastoma
IMR-90 Cells305216FibroblastsHumanFetal lung
JAR Cells300221Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanPlacentaChoriocarcinoma
JEG-3 Cells300222Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanPlacentaChoriocarcinoma
JeKo-1 Cells305078 Lymphoma cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodMantle cell lymphoma
Jiyoye Cells300366Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanLymphatic SystemB-cell Non-Hodgkin-Lymphoma
Jurkat Cells302147 Lymphoma cell linesHumanBloodT-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Jurkat E6.1 Cells300223 Leukemia cell linesHumanBloodAcute T cell leukemia
K562 Cells300224 Leukemia cell linesHumanBone marrowChronic myeloid leukemia
Kasumi-1 Cells300226 Leukemia cell linesHumanBloodAcute myeloblastic leukemia
KATO-III Cells300381Gastric cancer cell linesHumanStomachAdenocarcinoma
KB Cells300446Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
Kelly Cells300317Neuroblastoma cell linesHumanBrainNeuroblastoma
KG-1 Cells300208 Leukemia cell linesHumanBone marrowAcute myelogenous leukemia
KG-1a Cells300234 Leukemia cell linesHumanBone marrowAcute myelogenous leukemia
KHOS-240S Cells300433 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
KHOS-312H Cells300447 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
KHOS-NP Cells300235 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
KMS-12-BM300287Myeloma cell linesHumanBone marrowMultiple Myeloma
KMS-12-PE300286Myeloma cell linesHumanPleural effusionMultiple Myeloma
KYSE-150 Cells305087Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanEsophagusEsophageal squamous cell carcinoma
KYSE-30 Cells305094Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanEsophageal Squamous EpitheliumEsophageal squamous cell carcinoma
KYSE-410 Cells305122Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanEsophagusEsophageal squamous cell carcinoma
L-428 Cells300200 Lymphoma cell linesHumanPleural effusionHodgkin lymphoma
L-540 Cells300201 Lymphoma cell linesHumanBone marrowHodgkin lymphoma
Lama-84 Cells300261 Leukemia cell linesHumanBloodChronic myeloid leukemia
LCLC-103H Cells300169Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLarge cell carcinoma
LCLC-97TM1 Cells300409Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLarge cell carcinoma
LN229 Cells305043 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, right frontal parieto-occipital cortexGlioblastoma
LNCaP Cells300265Prostate cancer cell linesHumanProstateCarcinoma
LNCaP clone FGC Cells305220Prostate cancer cell linesHumanProstateCarcinoma
LoVo Cell Line300266Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon, grade IV, Dukes' type CAdenocarcinoma
LP-1 Cells300321Myeloma cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodMultiple myeloma
LS174T Cells300392Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma
LXF-289 Cells300269Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungAdenocarcinoma
M-07e Cells305105 Leukemia cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodChildhood acute megakaryoblastic leukemia
M14 Cells302163Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinAmelanotic melanoma
Mahlavu Cells300473Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
MCF-7 Cells300273 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastAdenocarcinoma
MDA-kb2 305108 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreast, Mammary glandBreast adenocarcinoma
MDA-MB-231 Cells300275 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastAdenocarcinoma
MDA-MB-361 Cells305267 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreast, mammary glandAdenocarcinoma
MDA-MB-468 Cells300279 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastAdenocarcinoma
ME-180 Cells300196Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanUterus, CervixEpidermoid Carcinoma
MEG-01 Cells300482Skin cancer cell linesHumanBone marrowChronic myeloid leukemia
MEL-JUSO Cells300282Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinCutaneous melanoma
MET-5A Cells305269Lung cancer cell linesHumanLung, pleura
MeWo Cells300285Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinCutaneous melanoma
MG-63 Cells300441 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
MHH-ES1 Cells300136 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneEwing's Sarcoma
MIA PaCa-2 Cells300438Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasDuctal adenocarcinoma
MKN-45 Cells300489Gastric cancer cell linesHumanStomachGastric adenocarcinoma
MM.1S305304Myeloma cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodMultiple myeloma
MOLP-8 Cells304082Myeloma cell linesHumanBone marrowMultiple myeloma
MOLT-3 Cells300116 Leukemia cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
MOLT-4 Cells300115 Leukemia cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodAdult T acute lymphoblastic leukemia
MRC-5 Cells300395 Human cellsHumanLung
MRC-9 Cells300394 Human cellsHumanFetal lung
MSTO-211H Cells300450Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungPleural mesothelioma
MV4-11 Cells300295 Leukemia cell linesHumanBloodAcute monocytic leukemia
Nalm-6 Cells300297 Leukemia cell lines | Human cellsHumanBloodAdult B acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Namalwa Cells300439Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanHematopoieticBurkitt lymphoma
NB-4 Cells300299 Leukemia cell linesHumanBone marrowAcute promyelocytic leukemia
NCCIT Cells305080Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanAnterior mediastinal mixed germ cell tumorTesticular embryonal carcinoma
NCI-H1437 Cells305110Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung adenocarcinoma
NCI-H146 Cells300182Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungSmall cell carcinoma
NCI-H1563 Cells305131Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung adenocarcinoma
NCI-H1568 Cells305137Lung cancer cell linesHumanLymph nodeLung adenocarcinoma
NCI-H157 Cells300387Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung squamous cell carcinoma
NCI-H1650 Cells305059Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungMinimally invasive lung adenocarcinoma
NCI-H1975 Cells305067Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung adenocarcinoma
NCI-H209 Cells300183Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungSmall cell carcinoma
NCI-H2228 Cells305125Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung adenocarcinoma
NCI-H226 Cells305091Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungPleural epithelioid mesothelioma
NCI-H23 Cells305044Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung adenocarcinoma
NCI-H2347 Cells305139Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung adenocarcinoma
NCI-H2452 Cells300391Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungPleural biphasic mesothelioma
NCI-H292 Cells305040Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung mucoepidermoid carcinoma
NCI-H441 Cells305219Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungPapillary adenocarcinoma
NCI-H446 Cells305049Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung small cell carcinoma
NCI-H460 Cells305020Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung large cell carcinoma
NCI-H520 Cells305063Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung squamous cell carcinoma
NCI-H526 Cells305278Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungSmall cell carcinoma
NCI-H69 Cells300185Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung small cell carcinoma
NCI-H716 Cells305079Intestine cancer cell linesHumanCecumCecum adenocarcinoma
NCI-H82 Cells300442Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung small cell carcinoma
NCI-H838 Cells305097Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung adenocarcinoma
NCI-H929 Cells305236Myeloma cell linesHumanBone marrowMultiple myeloma
NCI-N87 Cells305057Gastric cancer cell linesHumanStomachGastric tubular adenocarcinoma
P3HR1 Cells302310Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanBurkitt lymphoma
PA-1 Cells300402Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanOvaryOvarian mixed germ cell tumor
Panc-1 Cells300228Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasAdenocarcinoma
PATU8988T Cells305133Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasPancreatic adenocarcinoma
PC-3 Cells300312Prostate cancer cell linesHumanProstateAdenocarcinoma
PC-3M Cells305061Prostate cancer cell linesHumanProstateProstate carcinoma
PLC/PRF/5 Cells300315Liver cancer cell linesHumanHepatocellular carcinoma
PLH Cells302137B lymphoblast cell linesHumanAdrenal glandClassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency
RAJI Cells300359Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanMaxiliaBurkitt lymphoma
Raji TK- Cells302161Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanJaw boneBurkitt lymphoma
Raji TK+ Cells302160Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanJaw boneBurkitt lymphoma
Ramos Cells302007Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanHematopoieticBurkitt lymphoma
RD Cells300401Soft tissue cancer cell linesHumanEmbryonicRhabdomyosarcoma
RD-ES Cells300410 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneEwing's Sarcoma
REH Cells300320 Leukemia cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
RJ2.2.5 Cells300360Burkitt Lymphoma cell linesHumanHematopoieticBurkitt lymphoma
RKO Cells305035Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonColon carcinoma
RKO-AS45-1 Cells305146Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonColon carcinoma
RL95-2 Cells305062Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanUterus, endometriumEndometrial adenosquamous carcinoma
RPMI 1788 Cells300318 Leukemia cell linesHumanPeripheral blood
RPMI 2650 Cells300323Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanNasal septumSquamous cell carcinoma
RPMI 8226 Cells300431Myeloma cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodMultiple Myeloma
RT-112 Cells300324Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanBladderCarcinoma
RT-4 Cells300326Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanBladderTransitional cell papilloma
S-117 Cells300329Soft tissue cancer cell linesHumanThyroideaSarcoma
SaOS-2 Cells300331 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
SCC-25 Cells300607Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanTongueSquamous cell carcinoma
SCC-9305390Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanTongueSquamous cell carcinoma
SCLC-21H Cells300225Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungCarcinoma
SCLC-22H Cells300445Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungSmall cell carcinoma
SCLC-24H Cells300177Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungSmall cell carcinoma
SH-SY5Y Cells300154Neuroblastoma cell linesHumanBone MarrowNeuroblastoma
SiHa Cells305023Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanCervixHuman papillomavirus-related cervical squamous cell carcinoma
SJSA-1 Cells305096 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
SK-BR-3 Cells300333 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreast, mammary glandInvasive ductal carcinoma
SK-ES-1 Cells300435 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneEwing's Sarcoma
SK-HEP-1 Cells300334Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverAdenocarcinoma
SK-MEL-2 Cells300423Skin cancer cell lines | Human cellsHumanSkinMelanoma
SK-MEL-28 Cells300337Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinCutaneous melanoma
SK-MEL-5 Cells300157Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinMelanoma
SK-MES-1 Cells300339Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungSquamous cell carcinoma
SK-N-AS Cells305272 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainNeuroblastoma
SK-N-BE(2) Cells305058Neuroblastoma cell linesHumanBrainNeuroblastoma
SK-N-MC Cells300340 Brain cancer cell linesHumanNeuroectodermalAskin's tumor
SK-N-SH Cells305028Neuroblastoma cell linesHumanBrainNeuroblastoma
SK-OV-3 Cells300342Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanOvarySerous cystadenocarcinoma
SK-UT-1 Cells300455Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanUterineMixed mesodermal tumor, consistent with leiomyosarcoma (grade III)
SK-UT-1B Cells300406Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanUterineMixed mesodermal tumor. Consistent with leiomyosarcoma (grade III)
SKW-3 Cells300343 Leukemia cell linesHumanHematopoieticT cell leukemia (CLL)
SU-DHL-4 Cells305106 Lymphoma cell linesHumanPeritoneal effusionDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma
SV-80 Cells300345Lung cancer cell linesHumanSkin
SW-1116 Cells300348Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma
SW-13 Cells300349Adrenal gland cancer cell linesHumanAdrenal glandSmall cell carcinoma
SW-1353 Cells300440 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBone, right humerusChondrosarcoma (Grade II)
SW-403 Cells300350Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma
SW48 Cells305235Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma
SW-480 Cells300302Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma, Grade IV, Dukes' type B.
SW620 Cells300466Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectalAdenocarcinoma
SW-872 Cells300405Soft tissue cancer cell linesHumanConnective tissueLiposarcoma
SW-948 Cells300347Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma, grade III, Dukes' type C
T2 Cells305228Hybrid cell linesHuman
T24 Cells300352Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanBladderCarcinoma
T47D Cells300353 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastInvasive ductal carcinoma
T84 Cells300354Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonCarcinoma
T98G Cells305030 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainGlioblastoma
TCCSUP Cells305073Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanUrinary bladderBladder carcinoma
THP-1 Cells300356 Leukemia cell linesHumanThe tissue of origin is peripheral bloodLeukemia
TK6 Cells300357 Leukemia cell linesHumanSpleen
TT Cells305027Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanThyroid, medullaHereditary thyroid gland medullary carcinoma, Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2
TTA1 Cells305138Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanThyroid glandThyroid gland anaplastic carcinoma
U-138 MG Cells300363 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainAstrocytoma
U266 Cells300259Myeloma cell linesHumanPlasma cellMultiple Myeloma
U2OS Cells300364 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBone, tibiaOsteosarcoma
U87MG Cells300367 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainGlioblastoma
U937 Cells300368 Leukemia cell linesHumanLymphoma
UM-UC-3 Cells305074Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanUrinary bladderBladder carcinoma
WERI-Rb-1 Cells300632Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanEyeRetinoblastoma
WI 38 VA13 subline 2RA Cells300421Lung cancer cell linesHumanLung
WI-38 Cells300428FibroblastsHumanLung
WiDr Cells300377Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma
WIL2 Cells302011B lymphoblast cell linesHumanSpleenHereditary spherocytosis
WT100 Cells302139Transformed cell linesHumanPeripheral blood
WT51 Cells302141B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral blood
Y-79 Cells300382Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanRetinaRetinoblastoma
ZR-75-1 Cells300163 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastCarcinoma
HEK293A Cells305070Transformed cell lines | Kidney cancer cell lines | Human cellsHumanEmbryonic kidney
Human Dermal Fibroblast - Adult (HDF-Ad)300606FibroblastsHumanDermis
HEK293 suspension-adapted300686Transformed cell lines | Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidney
MDA-MB-436 Cells300278 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastCarcinoma
MKN-74 Cells300490Gastric cancer cell linesHumanStomachGastric tubular adenocarcinoma
A875 Cells305099Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinMelanoma
Hey Cells305017Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanOvaryHigh grade ovarian serous adenocarcinoma
2427T Cells300167Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung squamous cell carcinoma
A64-CLS Cells300199Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanSubmaxillary glandAdenocarcinoma
Alab Cells300280 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastAdenocarcinoma
C-33 A Cells305072Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanCervixSquamous cell carcinoma of the cervix uteri
CCD-18Lu Cells305248Finite cell linesHumanLung
Chang Liver (HeLa) Cells300139Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverAdenocarcinoma
Colo-320HSR Cells305271Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma
D341Med Cells305136 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, cerebellumMedulloblastoma
DMS-79 Cells300164Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungCarcinoma, azaserine induced
H4 Cells300184 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainNeuroglioma
HCC1806 Cells300467 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreast, mammary glandBreast squamous cell carcinoma, acantholytic variant
HCC1954 Cells305268 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastCarcinoma
HEC-1-A Cells305077Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanUterus, endometriumEndometrial adenocarcinoma
HEK293T/17 Cells305117Kidney cancer cell lines | Human cells | Transformed cell linesHumanEmbryonic kidney
HMC3 Cells300102 Brain cancer cell linesHumanFetal brain
HTR-8/SVneo Cells305221Transformed cell linesHumanTrophoblast
HuH7 Cells300156Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
HuTu-80 Cells300218Intestine cancer cell linesHumanDuodenumAdenocarcinoma
J82 Cells305055Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanUrinary bladderBladder carcinoma
KLE Cells305051Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanUterus, EndometriumEndometrial adenocarcinom
L-591 Cells300202 Lymphoma cell linesHumanPleural effusionHodgkin lymphoma
MCF10A Cells305026 Human cells | Spontaneously immortalized cell linesHumanMammary gland, breast
MNNG-HOS (CL #5) Cells300289 Bone cancer cell linesHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
MS751 Cells305115Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanCervixHuman papillomavirus-related cervical squamous cell carcinoma
NCI-H1395 Cells305118Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung adenocarcinoma
NCI-H1703 Cells305090Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung squamous cell carcinoma
NCI-H1944 Cells305123Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung adenocarcinoma
NCI-H196 Cells300390Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung small cell carcinoma
NCI-H2126 Cells300639Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung large cell carcinoma
NCI-H2170 Cells305276Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungSquamous cell carcinoma
NCI-H358 Cells300430Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungMinimally invasive lung adenocarcinoma
RKO-E6 Cells305135Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonColon carcinoma
SCaBER Cells305111Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanUrinary bladderBladder squamous cell carcinoma
SK-LMS-1 Cells300125Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanVulvarLeiomyosarcoma
SK-LU-1 Cells300335Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungAdenocarcinoma (grade III)
SK-MEL-1 Cells300424Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinMelanoma
SNU-1 Cells305076Gastric cancer cell linesHumanStomachAdenocarcinoma
SNU-16 Cells305273Gastric cancer cell linesHumanStomachAdenocarcinoma
SNU-182 Cells305119Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverAdult hepatocellular carcinoma
SNU-387 Cells305124Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverAdult hepatocellular carcinoma
SNU-398 Cells305274Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverAdult hepatocellular carcinoma
SNU-449305429Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverAdult hepatocellular carcinoma
SV-HUC-1 Cells305075Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanUreter, uroepithelium
SW 1990 Cells305068Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasPancreatic adenocarcinoma
SW-1463 Cells300623Intestine cancer cell linesHumanRectumRectal adenocarcinoma
SW-579 Cells300346Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanThyroideaSquamous cell carcinoma
SW-684 Cells300422Soft tissue cancer cell linesHumanConnective tissueFibrosarcoma
SW780 Cells305098Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanUrinary bladderBladder carcinoma
SW-982 Cells300404Soft tissue cancer cell linesHumanSynovialBiphasic synovial sarcoma
U-118 MG Cells300362 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainAstrocytoma
U-251 MG Cells300385 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainAstrocytoma
UWO23 Cells300258Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanOral cavity; tongueSquamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue
UWO37 Cells300257Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanOral cavity; tonsilSquamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx
VCaP Cells300631Prostate cancer cell linesHumanProstateProstate carcinoma
WPMY-1 Cells305083Transformed cell lines | Human cellsHumanProstate, stroma
786-O Cells300107Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyRenal cell carcinoma
A2780 Cells300491Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanOvary
ARPE-19 Cells305025Skin cancer cell linesHumanEye, retinal pigmented epithelium, retina
Calu-3 Cells305032Lung cancer cell linesHumanLung adenocarcinomaLung adenocarcinoma
Caov-3 Cells300319Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanOvaryHigh grade ovarian serous adenocarcinoma
CEM/C1 Cells305103 Leukemia cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodT-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
EA.hy926 Cells305034 Human cells | Hybrid cell linesHumanUmbilical vein, vascular endothelium
HEC-1-B Cells305095Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanUterus, endometriumEndometrial adenocarcinoma
HEK293 EBNA Cells300264Transformed cell linesHumanEmbryonic kidney
HK-2 Cells305021 Human cells | Transformed cell linesHumanKidney, cortex, proximal tubule
HMEC-1 Cells304064Transformed cell linesHumanSkin
HPAF-II Cells305088Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasPancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
KHM-5M Cells305148Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanThyroidThyroid gland anaplastic carcinoma
LS513 Cells300457Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectalAdenocarcinoma
NCI-H1299 Cells300485Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungCarcinoma
NCI-H295R Cells300483Adrenal gland cancer cell linesHumanAdrenal glandCarcinoma
NCI-H3122 Cells300484Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungAdenocarcinoma
NCI-H524 Cells305120Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung small cell carcinoma
NCI-H647 Cells305130Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung adenosquamous carcinoma
NCI-H661 Cells305085Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung large cell carcinoma
OS-RC-2 Cells305086Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyClear cell renal cell carcinoma
OVCAR3 Cells300307Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanOvaryHigh grade ovarian serous adenocarcinoma
Panc 10.05 Cells300599Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasPancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
RWPE-1 Cells305217Transformed cell linesHumanProstate
SF126 Cells300608 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, left frontal lobeGlioblastoma
SK-NEP-1 Cells300341Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyWilms tumor
SUM149PT Cells300609 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastBreast inflammatory carcinoma
SUM159PT Cells305116 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastBreast pleomorphic carcinoma
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Adipose Tissue300645Stem CellsHumanAdipose Tissue
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Amnion300644Stem CellsHumanAmnion
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Bone Marrow (HMSC-BM)300665Stem CellsHumanBone Marrow
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Chorion Villi300646Stem CellsHumanChorion Villi
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Endometrium300647Stem CellsHumanEndometrium
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Umbilical Cord - Artery300648Stem CellsHumanUmbilical Cord - Artery
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Whartons Jelly (HMSC-WJ)300685Stem CellsHumanUmbilical Cord - Whartons Jelly
HSC-3305312Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanTongueSquamous cell carcinoma
Ishikawa Cells305262Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanEndometriumEndometrial adenocarcinoma
OAW-42 Cells300304Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanOvaryCystadenocarcinoma
PC-9 Cells305045Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLung adenocarcinoma
RBE Cells305019Liver cancer cell linesHumanBile ductIntrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
TPC-1 Cells305054Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanThyroidThyroid gland papillary carcinoma
CERV-186 Cells300290Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanCervixSquamous cell carcinoma
CERV-196 Cells300291Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanCervixSquamous cell carcinoma
CERV-215 Cells300292Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanCervixCarcinoma
HuH-6 Cells305092Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverHepatoblastoma
TE-1 Cells305060Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanEsophagusEsophageal squamous cell carcinoma
B-LCL-CDG2 Cells302013 Rare diseases - cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCongenital Disorders of Glycosylation
B-LCL-CDG4 Cells302015 Rare diseases - cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCongenital Disorders of Glycosylation
B-LCL-CDG7 Cells302018 Rare diseases - cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCongenital Disorders of Glycosylation
B-LCL-HROC06 Cells302065B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC10 Cells302143B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC102 Cells302001B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC103 Cells302020B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC112 Cells302023B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC113 Cells300898B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC117 (Bc HROC117) Cells302024B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC118302025B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC130 Cells302032B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC173 Cells302039B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC195 Cells302043B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC24 Cells300861B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC277 Cells300867B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC278 Cells302051B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC285300869B lymphoblast cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC313 (Bc HROC313) Cells302058B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC32 (Bc HROC32) Cells300862B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC39 (Bc HROC39) Cells300863B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC43 Cells302067B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC46 Cells302068B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC50 Cells302069B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC57 Cells302072B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC59 Cells302073B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC60 Cells302004B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC68 Cells302078B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC69 Cells300864B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROC72 Cells302082B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral BloodColon carcinoma
B-LCL-HROC75 Cells302084B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROG04 Cells302107B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-HROM01 Cells302079B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral bloodCarcinoma
B-LCL-PB16 Cells302145B lymphoblast cell linesHumanPeripheral blood
HROBMC01 Cells300800Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectalAdenocarcinoma
HROC103 T0 M1 Cells300802Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectal, Established from a PDx (patient-derived xenograft) of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T2N1M0R0L0V0, grade G2, Lk(n) + 2, ∑ Lk(n) 23).Adenocarcinoma
HROC107 Cells300845Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon sigmoid, UICC IVPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N2M1R0L1V0, grading G2, Lk(n) +10, Σ Lk(n) 18
HROC113 Cells300803Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IVPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T4N2M0R0, grading G3, Lk(n) +5, Σ Lk(n) 45
HROC126 Cells300804Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon rectum, UICC IIIaPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N1M0R0L1V1, grading G2, G3, Lk(n) +2, ∑ Lk(n) 15
HROC131 T0 M3 Cells300805Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IIIa, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T3N1M0R0L0V0, grade G3, Lk(n) +2, Σ Lk(n) 22).Adenocarcinoma
HROC147 T0 M1 Cells300856Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon recto-sigmoid, UICC IV, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon sigmoid, TNM stage T3N2M1R0L1V1, grade G3, Lk(n) +4, Σ Lk(n) 32).Adenocarcinoma
HROC147Met Cells300806Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectalAdenocarcinoma
HROC173 Cells300807Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IVPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T4N2M1R2L0V grading G3, Lk(n) +11, ∑ Lk(n) 29
HROC18 Cells300808Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon (coecum), UICC IPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T2N0M0 R0L0V0, grading G2, Lk(n) + 0, ∑ Lk(n) 28
HROC183 Cells300809Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IIIbPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N2M0R0L1V0, grading G3, Lk(n) +12, Σ Lk(n) 12
HROC183 T0 M2 Cells300810Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IIIb, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T3N2M0R0L1V0, grading G3, Lk(n) +12, Σ Lk(n) 12).Adenocarcinoma
HROC212 Cells300811Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon coecum, UICC IVPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T4N2M1R0 L1 V0 , grading G3, Lk(n) +7, Σ Lk(n) 20
HROC222 T1 M2 Cells300859Intestine cancer cell linesHumanTransverse colonAdenocarcinoma
HROC239 T0 M1 Cells300857Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon rectum, UICC IIIb, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T4N2M0R0L0V0, grade G2, Lk(n) +7, ∑ Lk(n) 20).Adenocarcinoma
HROC24 Cells300812Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectalPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T2N0M0R0L0V1, grading G2 Lk(n) + 0, Σ Lk(n) 13
HROC24 T1 M1 Cells300813Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon, Established from a PDx (patient-derived xenograft) of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, UICC I, TNM stage T2N0M0R0L0V1 grading G2). Lk(n) + 0, Σ Lk(n) 13Epithelial
HROC24 T3 M1 #2 Cells300858Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage , grading
HROC257 Cells300814Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IVPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T4N2Mx,R1L1V1 grading G3, Lk(n) +8, Σ Lk(n) 15
HROC257 T0 M1 Cells300815Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IV, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T4N2Mx,R1L1V1 grading G3, Lk(n) +8, Σ Lk(n) 15).Adenocarcinoma
HROC277 T0 M1 Cells300834Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon coecum, UICC IV, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T4N0M1R0L0V0, grade G2, Lk(n) +0, Σ Lk(n) 12)Adenocarcinoma
HROC277Met2 Cells300848Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectalAdenocarcinoma
HROC278 T0 M1 Cells300835Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IV, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T4N2M1R0L1V1, grade G3, Lk(n) +19, Σ Lk(n) 29).Adenocarcinoma
HROC278Met1 T2 M2 Cells300836Intestine cancer cell linesHumanPeritoneal Metastasis, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of metastasis of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T4N2M1R0L1V1, grade G3, Lk(n) +19, Σ Lk(n) 29)Adenocarcinoma
HROC284Met Cells300816Intestine cancer cell linesHumanLiver MetastasisAdenocarcinoma
HROC285 T0 M2 Cells300817Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon, UICC IV, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon descendens, TNM stage T4N2M1R2L1V0, grade G2, Lk(n) +5, Σ Lk(n) 20).Adenocarcinoma
HROC296 Cells300853Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IiaPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N0M0R0L0V0, grading G2, Lk(n) +0, Σ Lk(n) 35
HROC300 T2 M1 Cells300866Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectalAdenocarcinoma, TNM stage T4aN1bM1R2L0V1, grading G2, Lk(n) + 3, ∑ Lk(n) 22
HROC309 Cells300837Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectalPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N0M0R0L0V1 grading G2, Lk(n) +0, Σ Lk(n) 23
HROC313Met Cells300849Intestine cancer cell linesHumanLung MetastasisAdenocarcinoma
HROC32 Cells300818Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IVPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T4N2M1R0L0V1 grading G2, Lk(n) + 9, Σ Lk(n) 14
HROC32 T3 M1 Cells300819Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IV, Established from a patient-derived xenograft primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T4N2M1R0L0V1 grading G2, Lk(n) + 9, Σ Lk(n) 14)Adenocarcinoma
HROC324 Cells300838Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon coecum, UICC IIIbPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N2M0R0L1V0, grading G3, Lk(n) +5, Σ Lk(n) 24
HROC334 Cells300850Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon coecum, UICC Iia, Primary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N0M0R0L0V0, grading G2, Lk(n) +0, Σ Lk(n) 40Adenocarcinoma
HROC348Met Cells300871Intestine cancer cell linesHumanLiver metastasisAdenocarcinoma
HROC357 Cells300851Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectalPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N0M0R0L0V0, grading G2, Lk(n) +0, ∑ Lk(n) 25
HROC364 Cells300855Intestine cancer cell linesHumanRight FlexurPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N0M0R0L0V0, grading G2, Lk(n) +0, ∑ Lk(n) 22
HROC370 Cells300872Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColorectalColon carcinoma, TNM stage T2N0R0L0V0, grading G2, Lk(n) +0, ∑ Lk(n) 16
HROC374 Cells300852Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon, sigmoid, ascendensPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N2bM0G3R0L0V1
HROC383 Cells300873Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon transversumPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N0M0R0L0V0, grading G3, Lk(n) + 0, Σ Lk(n) 39
HROC39 Cells300820Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IIbPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T4N0M0R0L0V1, grading G3, Lk(n) + 0, Σ Lk(n) 34
HROC39 T0 M2 Cells300821Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC Iib, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T4N0M0R0L0V1, grading G3, Lk(n) + 0, Σ Lk(n) 34).Adenocarcinoma
HROC40 Cells300822Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon descendens, UICC IIIaPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N1M0R0L1V1, grading G3, Lk(n) + 2, Σ Lk(n) 18
HROC43 Cells300823Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IIIbPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N2M0R0L1V0, grading G3, Lk(n) + 30, Σ Lk(n) 36
HROC46 T0 M1 Cells300824Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IV, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T3N0M1R2L0V1, grading G3, Lk(n) + 0, Σ Lk(n) 34)Adenocarcinoma
HROC50 T1 M5 Cells300839Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC Iib, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T4N0M0R0L0V0, grading G2, Lk(n) + 0, Σ Lk(n) 34)Adenocarcinoma
HROC57 Cells300825Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IV, Neuroendocrine tumorPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N2M1R2L1V1, grading G3, Lk(n) + 16, Σ Lk(n) 28.
HROC59 T1 M1 Cells300826Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IV, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T3N1M1R0L1V0, grading G2, Lk(n) + 1, Σ Lk(n) 27).Adenocarcinoma
HROC60 Cells300827Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T2N0M0R0L0V0, grading G2, Lk(n) + 0, ∑ Lk(n) 47
HROC69 Cells300828Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IIIaPrimary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N0M1R0L0V0, grading G3, Lk(n) + 0, ∑ Lk(n) 34
HROC69 T0 M2 Cells300829Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IIIa, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T3N0M1R0L0V0, grading G3, Lk(n) + 0, Σ Lk(n) 34)Adenocarcinoma
HROC80 T1 M1 Cells300830Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon coecum, UICC IIIa, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T3N2M1R0L1V0, grade G2, Lk(n) + 4, ∑ Lk(n) 17).Adenocarcinoma
HROC87 T0 M2 Cells300831Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC Iia, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T3N0M0R0L0V0, grade G3, Lk(n) + 0, Σ Lk(n) 13).Adenocarcinoma
HROG02 Cells300931 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, R, parietooccipitalGlioblastoma (grade IV)
HROG04 Cells300932 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, R, frontalGlioblastoma (grade IV)
HROG05 Cells300940 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, L, temporalRelapsed Glioblastoma (grade IV)
HROG06 Cells300933 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, L, frontalGlioblastoma (grade IV)
HROG06 T0 M2 Cells300883 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainGlioblastoma
HROG07 Cells300934 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, R, temporoparietalRelapsed Glioblastoma (grade IV)
HROG10 Cells300935 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, R, temporalGlioblastoma (grade IV)
HROG12 T0 M1 Cells300882 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainGlioblastoma
HROG13 Cells300936 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, R, temporalGlioblastoma (grade IV)
HROG15 Cells300937 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, R, parietalGlioblastoma (grade IV)
HROG17 Cells300938 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, L, parietooccipital, relapsed tumorGlioblastoma (grade IV)
HROG17 T1 M1 Cells300875 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainGlioblastoma
HROG24 Cells300876 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, L, occipitalGlioblastoma (grade IV)
HROG33 Cells300877 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, L, occipitotemporalGlioblastoma (grade IV)
HROG33 T0 M1 Cells300878 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainGlioblastoma
HROG36 Cells300939 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, R, parietalGlioblastoma (grade III)
HROG38 Cells300879 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, R, parietooccipitalGlioblastoma (grade IV)
HROG59 Cells300880 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, R, parietooccipitalGlioblastoma
HROG63 Cells300881 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrain, L, temporalGlioblastoma (grade IV)
HROGas03 Cells300437Gastric cancer cell linesHumanStomachGastric adenocarcinoma
HROHep03 Cells300197Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverPrimary adenocarcinoma, T0NxMx stage, grade 3
NS3-CMPK-hLBR1TM-mEGFP Cells300986Reporter-labeled cellsHumanUterusAdenocarcinoma
RCC-ER Cells300238Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidney"Clear cell renal cell carcinoma, pT3a, N1, Mx/GII"
RCC-FG1 Cells300248Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidney"Clear cell renal cell carcinoma, pT2a, M1/ GII"
RCC-FG2 Cells300249Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidney"Clear cell renal cell carcinoma, pT2a, Nx, M1/GII"
RCC-GH Cells300252Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyClear cell renal cell carcinoma
RCC-GS Cells300241Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidney"Clear cell renal cell carcinoma, pT3b, No, M1/ GIII (brain metastasis)"
RCC-HB Cells300253Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidney"Clear cell renal cell carcinoma, pT3a, Mo, No, GI-II"
RCC-JF Cells300274Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyClear cell renal cell carcinoma
RCC-JW Cells300244Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyClear cell renal cell carcinoma
RCC-KL Cells300281Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyClear cell renal cell carcinoma
RCC-KP Cells300254Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyClear cell renal cell carcinoma
RCC-LR Cells300236Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyClear cell renal cell carcinoma
RCC-MF Cells300245Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidney"Clear cell renal cell carcinoma, pT2, N1, Mx/ GII-III (lung- metastasis"
RCC-MH Cells300237Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidney"Clear cell renal cell carcinoma, pT2, No, M0/GII"
RCC-OF1 Cells300255Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidney"Clear cell renal cell carcinoma, pT2, Nx, Mx/GI"
RCC-PR Cells300267Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyClear cell renal cell carcinoma
RCC-WK Cells300243Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidney"Clear cell renal cell carcinoma, pT3b, No, Mx/ GII"
16HBE14o- Cells305234Transformed cell linesHumanLung, bronchus
2106T Cells300165Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungSquamous cell carcinoma
293FT Cells305275Transformed cell linesHumanFetal Kidney
2V6.11 Cells305147Kidney cancer cell lines | Transformed cell lines | Human cellsHumanFetal Kidney
AC16 Cardiomyocyte Cell Line305215Hybrid cell linesHumanHeart, ventricle
C643 Cells300298Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanThyroid gland anaplasticAnaplastic thyroid carcinoma
CCRF-CEM-C7 Cells300398 Leukemia cell linesHumanBloodChildhood T acute lymphoblastic leukemia
CLS-145 Cells300180Gastric cancer cell linesHumanStomachGastric papillary adenocarcinoma
CLS-354 Cells300152Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanOral cavitySquamous cell carcinoma
CLS-439 Cells300150Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanBladderCarcinoma
CLS-54 Cells300227Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungAdenocarcinoma
Colo-60H Cells300456Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon transversumAdenocarcinoma
Colo-94H Cells300161Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColonAdenocarcinoma
CW-2 Cells305134Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon
FAMPAC Cells300309Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasAdenocarcinoma
FAMPAC-A Cells300310Pancreas cancer cell linesHumanPancreasAdenocarcinoma
FO-1 (MEL-CLS-1) Cells300175Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinAmelanotic melanoma
HaCaT Cells300493HaCaT cell linesHumanSkin
HaCaT-ras A5 Cells300494HaCaT cell linesHumanSkin
HaCaT-ras II-4 Cells300495HaCaT cell linesHumanSkin
HB-CLS-1 Cells300190Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanBladderCarcinoma
HB-CLS-2 Cells300191Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanBladderCarcinoma
HBL-52 Cells300188 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainMeningioma, benign cells
HCE-T Cells305255Transformed cell linesHumanEye, cornea, epithelium
hCMEC/D3 Cells305024Transformed cell linesHumanBrain, temporal lobe, blood microvessel
HHC6548 T1 M1 Cells300832Intestine cancer cell linesHumanColon ascendens, UICC IIIc, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T3N2Mx, grade G3).Adenocarcinoma
HK EB3-EGFP Cells300668Reporter-labeled cellsHumanCervixCarcinoma
HK EGFP-alpha-tubulin/H2B-mCherry Cells300670Reporter-labeled cellsHumanCervixCarcinoma
HK EGFP-Cap-D2 Cells300675Reporter-labeled cellsHumanCervixCarcinoma
HK EGFP-H2B Cells300673Reporter-labeled cellsHumanCervixCarcinoma
HK EGFP-Kleisin-beta Cells300674Reporter-labeled cellsHumanCervixCarcinoma
HK EGFP-LaminA/H2B-mCherry Cells300921Reporter-labeled cellsHumanCervixCarcinoma
HK EGFP-LaminB1/H2B-mCherry Cells300919Reporter-labeled cellsHumanCervixCarcinoma
HK Mad2-LAP/H2B-mCherry Cells300920Reporter-labeled cellsHumanCervixCarcinoma
HK/FDC Cells300204Transformed cell linesHumanOral cavity, tonsil
HK-2xCRISPR-CAP-D2-mEGFP Cells301572Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-2xZFN-mEGFP-Nup107 Cells300676Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-2xZFN-Smc4-mEGFP Cells301576Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-CAP-D3-mEGFP Cells301573Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-CAP-H2-mEGFP Cells301569Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-CAP-H-mEGFP Cells301568Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-mEGFP-Nup153 Cells300656Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-mEGFP-Nup214 Cells300671Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-mEGFP-Nup358 Cells301575Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-mEGFP-RanBP2/Nup358 Cells300660Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-mEGFP-Seh1 Cells300669Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-Nup188-mEGFP Cells300657Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-NUP205-mEGFP Cells301574Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-Nup62-mEGFP Cells300659Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-Nup93-mEGFP Cells300655Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-Pom121-mCherry Cells300658Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-CRISPR-Tpr-mEGFP Cells300662Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-ZFN-AURKB-mEGFP Cells300173Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
HK-ZFN-AURKB-mEGFP/ZFN-INCENP-mCherry Cells300270Reporter-labeled cellsHumanEndocervixAdenocarcinoma
H-MESO-1 Cells300186Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungPleural Mesothelioma
H-MESO-1A Cells300187Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungPleural Mesothelioma
HNO210 Cells300134Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanLarynxHead and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)
HNO223 Cells300142Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanTongueHead and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)
HNO258 Cells300146Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanOral cavityHead and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)
HNO41 Cells300126Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanTonsilHead and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)
HNO97 Cells300129Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanTongueHead and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)
HS1-CLS Cells300212Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinSarcoma
HuCC-T1 Cells300469Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverIntrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
Human Dental Follicle stem Cells (hDFSC) Cells300701Stem Cells | Oral cellsHumanDental
Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells (hDPSC) Cells300702Oral cellsHumanDental
imWilms1 Cells300412Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyWilms Tumor
ImWilms10T Cells300419Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyWilms Tumor
iPSC-hDPSC300622iPSCHumanThird molar Normal donor
KMH-2 Cells305142Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanThyroidThyroid gland anaplastic carcinoma
KTC-1 Cells305113Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanThyroidThyroid carcinoma
Li-7 Cells305102Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverAdult hepatocellular carcinoma
LX-2 Cells305039Transformed cell linesHumanLiver
MA-CLS-2 Cells300271 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastDuctal carcinoma
MEL-CLS-2 Cells300283Skin cancer cell linesHumanHuman xenograftMelanoma
MEL-CLS-3 Cells300293Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinAmelanotic melanoma
MEL-CLS-4 Cells300128Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinMelanosarcoma
MKN-7 Cells305104Gastric cancer cell linesHumanStomachGastric tubular adenocarcinoma
MML-1 Cells300288Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinMelanoma
MX-1 Cells300296 Breast cancer cell linesHumanBreastAdenocarcinoma, Infiltrating duct carcinoma (IDC)
NCH421K Cells300118 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainGlioblastoma
NCH644 Cells300124 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainGlioblastoma
NCH690 Cells300120 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainGlioblastoma
NCI-H1299-EGFP Cells300272Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungLarge cell carcinoma
NIS-G Cells300303Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinMelanoma
PM-LGSOC-01 Cells300305Reproductive system cancer cell linesHumanOvaryLow grade-serous ovarian carcinoma
RT-112-D21 Cells300325Urinary bladder cancer cell linesHumanBladderCarcinoma
SCL I Cells300496Skin cancer cell linesHumanFace, skinSquamous cell carcinoma
SCL II Cells300497Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkin, FaceSquamous cell carcinoma
SK-MEL-29.1 Cells300429Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinMelanoma
SK-N-LO Cells300400Neuroblastoma cell linesHumanBrainPrimitive Neuroectodermal tumor
SNU-601 Cells305282Gastric cancer cell linesHumanStomachGastric signet ring cell adenocarcinoma
SNU-878 Cells305285Liver cancer cell linesHumanLiverAdult hepatocellular carcinoma
SW-1736 Cells300453Head-Neck cancer cell linesHumanThyroideaSquamous cell carcinoma
SW2300396Lung cancer cell linesHumanLungSmall cell carcinoma
T406 Cells300361 Brain cancer cell lines | Human cellsHumanBrainGlioblastoma
TE-671 Cells300355Soft tissue cancer cell linesHumanMuscleRhabdomyosarcoma
U2OS-CRISPR-NUP96-Halo Cells300448Reporter-labeled cellsHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
U2OS-CRISPR-NUP96-mEGFP Cells300174Reporter-labeled cellsHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
U2OS-CRISPR-NUP96-mMaple Cells300461Reporter-labeled cellsHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
U2OS-CRISPR-NUP96-SNAP Cells300444Reporter-labeled cellsHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
U2OS-CRISPR-SNAPf-Nup133 Cells300666Reporter-labeled cellsHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
U2OS-CRISPR-SNAPf-Nup358/RanBP2 Cells300663Reporter-labeled cellsHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
U2OS-CRISPR-SNAPf-SEH1 Cells300664Reporter-labeled cellsHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
U2OS-CRISPR-TPR-SNAP Cells300667Reporter-labeled cellsHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
U2OS-ZFN-SNAP-Nup107 Cells300294Reporter-labeled cellsHumanBoneOsteosarcoma
U-343 MG Cells300365 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainGlioblastoma
Wilms1 Cells300411Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidney
Wilms10M Cells300418Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyWilms tumor
Wilms10T Cells300417Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyWilms tumor
Wilms11 Cells300420Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyWilms tumor
Wilms2 Cells300413Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyWilms tumor
Wilms3 Cells300414Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyWilms tumor
Wilms6 Cells300415Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyWilms tumor
Wilms8 Cells300416Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyWilms tumor
WS1-CLS Cells300378Skin cancer cell linesHumanSkinSarcoma
WT-CLS1 Cells300379Kidney cancer cell linesHumanKidneyRhabdoid tumor
NCH612300121 Brain cancer cell linesHumanBrainAnaplastic oligodendroglioma, WHO grade III, IDH1 mutant (R132H)
HEK293-CCR8305426Transformed cell linesHumanFetal Kidney
HEK293-CTLA4305423Transformed cell linesHumanFetal Kidney
HEK293-CXCR4305420Transformed cell linesHumanFetal Kidney
HEK293-CXCR7305421Transformed cell linesHumanFetal Kidney
HEK293-FAP305419Transformed cell linesHumanFetal Kidney
HEK293-FOLR1305425Transformed cell linesHumanFetal Kidney
HEK293-HER2305422Transformed cell linesHumanFetal Kidney
HEK293-TACD2305424Transformed cell linesHumanFetal Kidney
SCC-4305384Head-Neck cancer cell linesHuman TongueSquamous cell carcinoma
BJ Fibroblast Cells305222FibroblastsHuman Foreskin
HCC70305464 Breast cancer cell linesHuman Mammary glandBreast ductal carcinoma
GES-1305428Transformed cell linesHuman Fetal Stomach
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
CV-1 Cells 601470 Monkey cell lines Monkey Kidney
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
OP9 Cells305174Mouse cell linesMouseBone marrow, stroma
3T3-L1 Cells400107Mouse cell linesMouseEmbryonic
3T6-Swiss albino Cells400104Mouse cell linesMouseEmbryonic
4T1 Cells300300Mouse cell linesMouseBreast, mammary glandMalignant neoplasm
AE-1 Cells300635Mouse cell linesMouseHybridoma
AE-2 Cells300638Mouse cell linesMouseHybridoma
B16 Cells305154Mouse cell linesMouseSkinMouse melanoma
B16-F0 Cells300308Mouse cell linesMouseSkinMouse melanoma
B16-F1 Cells400122Mouse cell linesMouseSkinMelanoma
B16-F10 Cells305157Mouse cell linesMouseSkin
B82 Cells305173Mouse cell linesMouseSkin
Ba/F3 Cells305224Mouse cell linesMouseBone marrow
BALB/3T3 clone A31 Cells305155Mouse cell linesMouseEmbryo
C127 Cells305169Mouse cell linesMouseMammary glandMalignant neoplasms of the mouse mammary gland
C127I Cells400134Mouse cell linesMouseBreast, mammary glandCarcinoma
C2C12 Cells400476Mouse cell linesMouseMuscle
C3H/10T1/2 Cells305164Mouse cell linesMouseEmbryo
CT26.WT Cells305178Mouse cell linesMouseColonMouse colon adenocarcinoma
CTLL-2 Cells400482Mouse cell linesMouseBlood
DS19 Cells305153Mouse cell linesMouseMouse erythroid leukemia
EAT Cells400169Mouse cell linesMouseBreastAdenocarcinoma
EL4 Cells300653Mouse cell linesMouseAscitesMouse precursor T cell lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia
EL4.IL-2 Cells400425Mouse cell linesMouseThymusLymphoma
EMT6 Cells305159Mouse cell linesMouseBreastMalignant neoplasms of the mouse mammary gland
EOMA Cells305241Mouse cell linesMouseBlood vesselHemangioendothelioma of the mouse blood vessel, malignant
F9 Cells400174Mouse cell linesMouseTestisTeratocarcinoma
GL261 Cells305225Mouse cell linesMouseBrainGlioblastoma
HC11 Cells305050Mouse cell linesMouseMammary
Hepa 1-6 Cells400474Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
J774A.1 Cells400220Mouse cell linesMouseReticulumSarcoma
K7M2 wt Cells305188Mouse cell linesMouseAscitesMouse osteosarcoma
KLN-205 Cells400419Mouse cell linesMouseLungSquamous cell carcinoma
L Wnt-3A Cells305184 Bone cancer cell linesMouseSubcutaneous connective tissue, areolar and adipose
L1210 Cells400257Mouse cell linesMouseHematopoieticLeukemia
L-138 Cells400384Mouse cell linesMouseHematopoietic, hybridoma
L5178-R Cells400258Mouse cell linesMouseThymusLeukemia
L6565 Cells305189Mouse cell linesMousePeripheral blood
L929 Cells400260Mouse cell linesMouseConnective tissue, normal, subcutaneous, areolar and adipose
LA795 Cells300472Mouse cell linesMouseLungAdenocarcinoma of the mouse pulmonary system
LLC1 (LL-2) Cells305311Mouse cell linesMouseLungMalignant tumors of the mouse pulmonary system
LM/TK(LMTK-) Cells305176Mouse cell linesMouseSubcutaneous Connective Tissue, Mammary Areola And Fat
MC3T3-E1 Cells305187Mouse cell linesMouseBone, calvaria
MC3T3-E1 Subclone 24 Cells305186Mouse cell linesMouseBone
MH-S Cells300487Mouse cell linesMouseLung
M-MSV-Balb/3T3 Cells400458Mouse cell linesMouseEmbryonic
MS1 Cells305172Mouse cell linesMouseBone marrow
NCTC clone 1469 Cells400300Mouse cell linesMouseLiver
Neuro-2a Cells400394Mouse cell linesMouseNeuroblastoma
NFS-60 Cells400301Mouse cell linesMouseBloodLeukemia
NIH-3T3 Cells400101Mouse cell linesMouseEmbryonic
NS-1 (P3/NS/1-Ag4.1) Cells400108Mouse cell linesMouseMyeloma
OCD Cells400417Mouse cell linesMouseBoneOsteochondroma
OKT 3 Cells300499Mouse cell linesMouseSpleen
OKT11 Cells300500Mouse cell linesMouseHybridomaLeukemia
P19 Cells400416Mouse cell linesMouseTestisTeratocarcinoma
P388 Cells305226Mouse cell linesMouseMouse lymphoma
P388-D1 Cells400308Mouse cell linesMouseHematopoieticLymphoid neoplasma
P3X63Ag8.653 Cells400118Mouse cell linesMouseHematopoieticMyeloma
P-815 Cells400242Mouse cell linesMouseHematopoieticMastocytoma
PCC4-aza1 Cells400313Mouse cell linesMouseTestisTeratocarcinoma
Psi2 DAP Cells305179Mouse cell linesMouseNormal Embryo
RAG Cells305190Mouse cell linesMouseKidneyMouse kidney carcinoma
RAW 264.7 Cells400319Mouse cell linesMouseAscitesLeukemia
RenCa-IL2 Cells400322Mouse cell linesMouseKidneyCarcinoma
SAT Cells400332Mouse cell linesMouseBreastMalignant neoplasms of the mouse mammary gland
Sp2/0-Ag14 Cells400481Mouse cell linesMouseBloodB cell hybridoma
STO Cells400165Mouse cell linesMouseEmbryonic
SV40 MES 13 Cells305183Mouse cell linesMouseKidney, glomerulus
TM3 Cells305167Mouse cell linesMouseTestis
TM4 Cells305170Mouse cell linesMouseTestis
WEHI-3 Cells400381Mouse cell linesMousePeripheral bloodLeukemia
WEHI-3B Cells400376Mouse cell linesMousePeripheral bloodLeukemia
Y-1 Cells400477Mouse cell linesMouseAdrenal glandCarcinoma
Yac-1 Cells400383Mouse cell linesMouseLymph nodeLymphoma
WEHI-164 Cells400438Mouse cell linesMouseFibrosarcoma
C8-D1A Cells300316Mouse cell linesMouseBrain
A20 Cells305263Mouse cell linesMouseMouse reticulum cell sarcoma
A9 Cells305166Mouse cell linesMouseSubcutaneous Connective Tissue, Loose Connective Tissue And Fat, Normal
Beta-TC-6 Cells305181Mouse cell linesMousePancreasMouse insulinoma
BNL CL.2 Cells305177Mouse cell linesMouseLiver
CT26.CL25305353Intestine cancer cell linesMouseColonAdenocarcinoma
GC-1 spg Cells300375Mouse cell linesMouseTestis
Ku 80-/- Cells305258Mouse cell linesMouseEmbryo
L-WRN Cells300641Mouse cell linesMouseConnective tissue
M1 Cells305261Mouse cell linesMouseKidney, cortical collecting duct
M2-10B4 Cells400428Mouse cell linesMouseBone marrow
MIN-6 Cells302148Mouse cell linesMousePancreas, islets of LangerhansMouse insulinoma
MLE-12305314Mouse cell linesMouseLungNormal
MLTC-1 Cells305175Reproductive system cancer cell linesMouseTestisMouse Leydig cell tumor
SVEC4-10 Cells305180Mouse cell linesMouseAxillary Nodes
TRI-C3H Cells400359Mouse cell linesMouseSkinTrichoepithelioma
MB49 Cells305240Mouse cell linesMouseUrinary bladderMouse bladder transitional cell carcinoma
AML12 Cells300643Mouse cell linesMouseLiver
MC38 Cells305223Mouse cell linesMouseColonAdenocarcinoma
ATDC5305427Mouse cell linesMouseEmbryoTeratocarcinoma
AtT-20 Cells305161Mouse cell linesMousePituitaryMouse pituitary gland neoplasms
BV2 Cells305156Mouse cell linesMouseBrain
Colon-26 Cells400156Mouse cell linesMouseColonCarcinoma
MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 Cells305185Mouse cell linesMouseBone, calvaria
Panc02 Cells300501Mouse cell linesMousePancreasMouse pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
RenCa Cells400321Mouse cell linesMouseKidneyCarcinoma
RM-1 Cells305168Mouse cell linesMouseProstateCarcinoma of the mouse prostate gland
H22 Cells305163Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
HT22 Cells305158Mouse cell linesMouseBrain, hippocampus
ASB-XIV Cells400120Mouse cell linesMouseLungPulmonary squamous cell carcinoma
CaD2 Cells400138Mouse cell linesMouseBreast, mammary glandCarcinoma
CDNR4 Cells400391Mouse cell linesMouseBreastAdenocarcinoma
CLS-103 Cells400176Mouse cell linesMouseStomachSquamous cell carcinoma
CLS-138 Cells400177Mouse cell linesMouseSkinSarcoma
CLS-CD-3575 Cells400146Mouse cell linesMouseKidneyCarcinoma
CT26 Cells305229Mouse cell linesMouseColonAdenocarcinoma
DC2.4305515Mouse cell linesMouseBone marrow
E11 Cells400494Mouse cell linesMouseKidney
EGG Cells400171Mouse cell linesMouseBloodLeukemia
FS-Balb Cells400272Mouse cell linesMouseSkinFibrosarcoma
FS-C3H Cells400418Mouse cell linesMouseSkinFibrosarcoma
FS-C57BL Cells400420Mouse cell linesMouseSkinSarcoma
Hep-53.4 Cells400200Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
Hep-55.1C Cells400201Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
Hep-56.1B Cells400202Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
Hep-56.1C Cells400203Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
Hep-56.1D Cells400204Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
Hep-64.1 Cells400205Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
Hep-66.3A Cells400206Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
Hep-70.4 Cells400207Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
Hep-74.3A Cells400208Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
Hep-CLS-1H Cells400197Mouse cell linesMouseLiverAdenocarcinoma
Hep-CLS-1W Cells400414Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
Hep-CLS-C9 Cells400195Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
Hep-CLS-E1 Cells400196Mouse cell linesMouseLiverHepatocellular carcinoma
ID8305305Mouse cell linesMouseOvaryNormal
Kera-308 Cells400429Mouse cell linesMouseSkinPapilloma of the mouse skin
MA-Balb Cells400270Mouse cell linesMouseBreastMalignant neoplasms of the mouse mammary gland
MCA-3D Cells400437Mouse cell linesMouseSkin
Meth A sarcoma Cells400284Mouse cell linesMouseSkinFibrosarcoma
MFC Cells300652Mouse cell linesMouseStomachMouse gastric carcinoma
MSC-P5 Cells400294Mouse cell linesMouseSkin
NIH-3T3-ras Cells400100Mouse cell linesMouseEmbryonic
PDV Cells400314Mouse cell linesMouseSkin
PECA Cells400189Mouse cell linesMouseSkinSquamous cell carcinoma
SVI Cells400495Mouse cell linesMouseKidney
TERA-C3H Cells400360Mouse cell linesMouseOvaryTeratoma
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
15P-1 Cells 305191 Mouse cell lines Mouse, transgenic Testis
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
Mv.1.Lu Cells 305192 Animal cells | Mink cell lines Neovison vison (American mink) Lung
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
OK Cells 606465 Opossum cell lines Opossum Kidney, cortex, Proximal tubule
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
PEDSV.15 Cells 305211 Pig cell lines Pig Aorta, endothelium
PK-15 Cells 607426 Pig cell lines Pig Kidney
ST Cells 305214 Pig cell lines Pig Testis
IBRS-2 Cells 305212 Pig cell lines Pig Kidney
PIEC Cells 305213 Pig cell lines Pig Vascular endothelium
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
PtK1 Cells 608393 Potoroo cell lines Potoroo Kidney
PtK2 Cells 608316 Potoroo cell lines Potoroo Kidney
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
9L/lacZ Cells 305208 Rat cell lines Rat Brain Rat malignant glioma
A7r5 Cells 305198 Rat cell lines Rat Aorta, thoracic, smooth muscle
AR42J Cells 500478 Rat cell lines Rat Pancreas tumor, exocrine Neoplasia
AS-30D Cells 500116 Rat cell lines Rat Liver Hepatocellular carcinoma
BRL Cells 305193 Rat cell lines Rat Liver
BRL-3A Cells 500129 Rat cell lines Rat Liver
C6 Cells 500142 Rat cell lines Rat Brain Glioma
DSL-6A-C1 Cells 500166 Rat cell lines Rat Pancreas Carcinoma, azaserine induced
DSL-6B-C2 Cells 500167 Rat cell lines Rat Pancreas Carcinoma
GH3 Cells 300383 Rat cell lines Rat Brain, Pituitary gland Neoplasm
H9c2(2-1) Cells 305203 Rat cell lines Rat Heart, myocardium
HBZY-1 Cells 305206 Rat cell lines Rat Kidney
IEC-18 305302 Rat cell lines Rat Small intestine, ileum Normal
IEC-6 Cells 302149 Rat cell lines Rat Small intestine
LC-540 Cells 500262 Rat cell lines Rat Testis Adenoma
MADB106 Cells 305205 Rat cell lines Rat Adenocarcinoma of the rat mammary gland
MMQ Cells 300498 Rat cell lines Rat Brain Rat pituitary gland neoplasm
NR8383 Cells 305200 Rat cell lines Rat Lung
NRK Cells 305195 Rat cell lines Rat Kidney
NRK-49F Cells 500427 Rat cell lines Rat Kidney
PC-12 adherent 500311 Rat cell lines Rat Adrenal gland Pheochromocytoma
PC-12 suspension 302152 Rat cell lines Rat Adrenal gland Pheochromocytoma
RBL-1 Cells 500389 Rat cell lines Rat Peripheral blood Leukemia
RBL-2H3 Cells 305194 Rat cell lines Rat Peripheral blood Rat leukemia
RG2 Cells 300649 Rat cell lines Rat Brain Rat malignant glioma
RH-35 Cells 305210 Rat cell lines Rat Liver Rat hepatocellular carcinoma
RTE-2 Cells 500327 Rat cell lines Rat Tongue
SHZ-88 Cells 305209 Rat cell lines Rat Mastocarcincma Adenocarcinoma of the rat mammary gland
UMR-106 Cells 305197 Rat cell lines Rat Bone Rat osteosarcoma
Y3-Ag 1.2.3 Cells 305207 Rat cell lines Rat Plaemocytoma, Myeloma Rat plasma cell myeloma
NRK-52E Cells 305196 Rat cell lines Rat Kidney
AH-130 FN Cells 500451 Rat cell lines Rat Liver Hepatocellular carcinoma
CTX TNA2 305358 Rat cell lines Rat Brain, frontal lobe
DI TNC1 305343 Rat cell lines Rat Brain, diencephalon Normal
INS-1 Cells 300471 Rat cell lines Rat Pancreas, islets of Langerhans Rat insulinoma
L6 Cells 305231 Rat cell lines Rat Skeletal muscle
Walker-256 Cells 500375 Rat cell lines Rat Mammary gland Adenocarcinoma of the rat mammary gland
FRTL-5 Cells 500407 Rat cell lines Rat Thyroidea
RSC96 Cells 305202 Rat cell lines Rat Neuronal, spontaneously transformed
NRK-4xlambdaN22-3xmEGFP-M9 Cells 500672 Reporter-labeled cells Rat Kidney
NRK-EGFP2-Nup50 Cells 500726 Reporter-labeled cells Rat Kidney
NRK-EGFP3-Seh1 Cells 500731 Reporter-labeled cells Rat Kidney
NRK-EGFP-H2B Cells 500724 Reporter-labeled cells Rat Kidney
NRK-IBB-DiHcRed1 Cells 500671 Reporter-labeled cells Rat Kidney
NRK-Pom121-EGFP3 Cells 500669 Reporter-labeled cells Rat Kidney
AH-130 Cells 500412 Rat cell lines Rat Liver Hepatocellular carcinoma
AT-1 Cells 500121 Rat cell lines Rat Prostate Adenocarcinoma
CC531 Cells 500387 Rat cell lines Rat Colon Adenocarcinoma
CLS-ACI-1 Cells 500459 Rat cell lines Rat Breast Adenocarcinoma
FRTL Cells 500202 Rat cell lines Rat Thyroidea
HSC-T6 Cells 305199 Rat cell lines Rat Liver
MH-3924A Cells 500286 Rat cell lines Rat Liver Hepatocellular carcinoma
MH-TC-5123 Cells 500287 Rat cell lines Rat Liver Hepatocellular carcinoma
Novikoff Hepatoma Cells 500373 Rat cell lines Rat Liver Hepatocellular carcinoma
O-342 Cells 500305 Rat cell lines Rat Ovary Adenocarcinoma
OS1-CLS Cells 500369 Rat cell lines Rat Bone Osteosarcoma
RY(ham) Yoshida Sarcoma Cells 500415 Rat cell lines Rat Sarcoma
WB-F344 Cells 305201 Rat cell lines Rat Liver
Zajdela-Hepatoma Cells 500306 Rat cell lines Rat Liver Hepatocellular carcinoma
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
LLC-MK2 (Original) Cells 305149 Monkey cell lines Rhesus macaque Kidney
FRhK-4 Cells 305151 Monkey cell lines Rhesus macaque Embryonic kidney
RF/6A Cells 305150 Monkey cell lines Rhesus macaque Choroid, retina
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
LLC-PK1 Cells 607264 Pig cell lines Sus Scrofa Kidney
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
BGM Cells 302158 Monkey cell lines Vervet monkey Kidney
Name Product Number Categories Organism Tissue Disease
MonoMac6 305440 Leukemia cell lines
RS4:11 305360 Leukemia cell lines
Freeze Medium CM-1 - 500 ml 800500 Cryopreservation Media
MPC5 305481 Mouse cell lines
NCI-H2122 305600 Lung cancer cell lines
NCM460 305430 Transformed cell lines

Note: For detailed product specifications, kindly search the products on our Homepage or contact us at customerservice@lifetechindia.com

Life Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd. 

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