Testing Services


Petunia Screen (17 tests)




Alfalfa mosaic virus AMV ELISA
Arabis mosaic virus ArMV ELISA
Broad bean wilt virus-1,2 BBWV-1,2 ELISA
Calibrachoa mottle virus CbMV ELISA
Cucumber mosaic virus CMV ELISA
Impatiens necrotic spot virus INSV ELISA
Potyvirus group test POTY ELISA
Rhizoctonia solani Rhiz ELISA
Ribgrass mosaic virus RMV ELISA
Tobacco etch virus TEV ELISA
Tobacco mosaic virus TMV ELISA
Tobacco ringspot virus TRSV ELISA
Tobacco streak virus TSV ELISA
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus ToBRFV


Tomato mosaic virus ToMV ELISA
Tomato ringspot virus ToRSV ELISA
Tomato spotted wilt virus TSWV ELISA

The above listed tests are recommendations based on published findings, common requirements for international trade, and positivity trends observed in our laboratory over the decades. We encourage and actively work with our clients to customize their screens to best suit their needs.

Other tests available for petunia are:




Alstroemeria mosaic virus AlMV ELISA
Alternanthera mosaic virus / Papaya mosaic virus AltMV/PapMV ELISA
American plum line pattern virus APLPV ELISA
Beet curly top virus BCTV Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP)
Beet western yellows virus BWYV ELISA
Chrysanthemum stunt viroid CSVd ELISA
Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus KGMMV ELISA
Peanut stunt virus PSV ELISA
Pectobacterium brasiliense Pbr PCR
Plantago asiatica mosaic virus PlAMV ELISA
Potato acuba mosaic virus PAMV ELISA
Potato leafroll virus PLRV ELISA
Potato virus A PVA ELISA
Potato virus X PVX ELISA
Potato virus Y PVY ELISA
Potato spindle tuber viroid PSTVd Hybridization
Prunus necrotic ringspot virus PNRSV ELISA
Soybean mosaic virus SMV ELISA
Tobacco rattle virus TRV Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP)
Tomato aspermy virus TAV ELISA
Tomato bushy stunt virus TBSV ELISA
Turnip mosaic virus TuMV ELISA
Begomovirus group test (Chili leaf curl virus) Begomo PCR
Curtovirus/Becurtovirus group test Curto Hybridization
Carlavirus group test Carla PCR
Luteovirus-Polerovirus group test Luteo PCR
Nepovirus group test (Petunia chlorotic mottle virus, Tomato black ring virus) Nepo PCR
Phytoplasmas Phyto PCR
Pospiviroid group test (Citrus exocortis viroid) Pospi PCR
Potexvirus-Allexivirus group test Potex PCR
Potyvirus group test POTY 2 PCR
Tobamovirus group test (Bell pepper mottle virus, Turnip vein clearing virus) Tobamo PCR
Tymovirus group test (Petunia vein banding virus) Tymo PCR
Life Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd. 

306, Agarwal City Mall, opposite M2K Pitampura, Delhi-110034 (India)
Tel # +91-11-4220-8000; 4220-8111; 4220-8222 Fax# +91-11-4220-8444,
Mobile# +91-98105-21400
Email# customerservice@lifetechindia.com