Testing Services


*Submitters must provide a current hemp license issued by the USDA, State, or Tribal entity. Hemp licenses are distinct from medical marijuana licenses or controlled substance registrations. More information on who to contact for hemp licensing in your state can be found on the USDA's website (link here). 

International hemp samples are not accepted at this time. 

Hemp Screen (19 tests)




Alfalfa mosaic virus

Arabis mosaic virus ArMV ELISA
Cucumber mosaic virus CMV ELISA
Beet curly top virus BCTV Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP)
Fusarium oxysporum Fo Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP)
Hop latent viroid HLVd Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP)
Lettuce chlorosis virus LCV Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP)
Phytophthora Phyt ELISA
Potato virus X PVX ELISA
Potyvirus group test POTY ELISA
Rhizoctonia solani Rhiz ELISA
Spiroplasma citri Sc ELISA
Tobacco mosaic virus TMV ELISA
Tobacco streak virus TSV ELISA
Tobacco ringspot virus TRSV ELISA
Tomato ringspot virus ToRSV ELISA
Tomato spotted wilt virus TSWV ELISA
Tomato mosaic virus ToMV ELISA
Xanthomonas Xan ELISA

The above listed tests are recommendations based on published findings and positivity trends observed in our laboratory over the decades. We encourage and actively work with our clients to customize their screens to best suit their needs.

We recommend shipping hemp via the United Stated Postal Service (USPS). Click here for more information on sending samples.

Other tests available for hemp are:




Botrytis cinerea Bcin

Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP)

Broad bean wilt virus 1,2 BBWV-1,2 ELISA
Bromoviridae group test Bromo PCR
Carlavirus group test Carla PCR
Closteroviridae group test (Lettuce chlorosis virus) Clostero PCR
Curtovirus-Becurtovirus group test (Beet curly top virus) Curto Hybridization
Hop stunt viroid HSVd Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP)
Nepovirus group test Nepo PCR
Phytoplasmas  Phyto PCR
Pospiviroid group test Pospi PCR
Potexvirus-Allexivirus group test Potex PCR
Raspberry ringspot virus RpRSV ELISA
Tobacco rattle virus TRV Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP)
Tobamovirus group test Tobamo PCR
Tomato bushy stunt virus TBSV ELISA
Tombusvirus group test Tombus PCR
Tospovirus group test Tospo PCR

Life Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd. 

306, Agarwal City Mall, opposite M2K Pitampura, Delhi-110034 (India)
Tel # +91-11-4220-8000; 4220-8111; 4220-8222 Fax# +91-11-4220-8444,
Mobile# +91-98105-21400
Email# customerservice@lifetechindia.com