Mitochondrial Toxicity

The mitochondria are a component of the cell and are somewhat tested for toxicity in cell toxicity or cytotoxicity experiments. Since the prime cell is the center of the cell, any harmful effects will undoubtedly affect how well it functions. Since mitochondria are frequently the focus of drug-induced toxicity, Life Technologies offers a variety of in vitro toxicity test services that allow you to gauge the severity of the harmful effect. The amount of mitochondria varies based on the kind of tissue and function, hence numerous experiments are carried out on them.

Life Technologies Mitochondrial Toxicity Services
  • Functional mitochondrial toxicity (Seahorse)
  • Mitochondrial respiratory complex assay (using permeabilized cells)
  • Mitochondrial biogenesis
  • Mitochondrial Glu/Gal assay
  • HCS mitochondrial toxicity
Life Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd. 

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Tel # +91-11-4220-8000; 4220-8111; 4220-8222 Fax# +91-11-4220-8444,
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Email# customerservice@lifetechindia.com