Human Serum

Human Serum
Item ID Product Name Storage
HSER-10ML-SDSHuman Serum, Normal Off-the-Clot, (Collect/Ship same day, *Pathogen Testing Pending*)4c/-20c
HSER-200MLHuman Serum, Normal off-the-Clot, Frozen (Default) or Fresh (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete)4c/-20c
HSER-200ML-SDSHuman Serum, Normal off-the-Clot, (Collect/Ship same day, *Pathogen Testing Pending*)4c/-20c
HSER-2MLHuman Serum, Normal off-the-Clot (FROZEN), 2ml -20c
HSER-ABP100mlHuman AB Serum, Off-the-clot, Sterile Filtered-Pooled, Frozen -20c
HSER-ABPM100mlHuman AB Serum, Off-the-clot, Sterile Filtered-Pooled MALE DONOR Lot, Frozen -20c
HSER-CABPM100mlHuman AB Serum, (Converted), Heat Inactivated, Sterile Filtered-Pooled MALE DONOR Lot, Frozen -20c
HSER-CDS-200MLHuman Serum, Off-the-clot, CHARCOAL-DEXTRAN Stripped, Sterile Filtered, Frozen -20c
HSER-P500MLHuman Serum, Normal Pooled -20c
HSER-P50MLHuman Serum, Normal Pooled -20c
SER-HDHuman Serum, DIABETIC Adult 4c/-20c
S-HUB-US-011Human Male AB Plasma-Derived Serum, Manufactured with Bovine Thrombin< - 15°C
S-HU-EU-011Human Serum Off the clot, Type AB< - 15°C
S-HUH-US-011Human Male AB Plasma-Derived Serum, Manufactured with Human Thrombin< - 15°C
S-HUO-US-011Human Male AB Off The Clot Serum< - 15°C
S-HU-US-011Human Male AB Serum< - 15°C
HSA-001-100GHuman Serum Albumin2 to 8°C
HSA-001-1KGHuman Serum Albumin2 to 8°C
HSA-001-500GHuman Serum Albumin2 to 8°C
Life Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd. 

306, Agarwal City Mall, opposite M2K Pitampura, Delhi-110034 (India)
Tel # +91-11-4220-8000; 4220-8111; 4220-8222 Fax# +91-11-4220-8444,
Mobile# +91-98105-21400
Email# customerservice@lifetechindia.com